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Everyone wants a new bathtub in theory, but there are certain signs that indicate you truly need one. Use these 5 signs as a barometer/checklist for the bathrooms in your house. If any of these apply, then the time is now for remodeling your bathtub.
1. Mold & Mildew Just Won’t Go Away
Is the gross writing on the wall (and in the tub)? This could be one of the more obvious signs that it’s renovation time, but it’s also easy to procrastinate on mold and mildew by telling yourself it’s not important and applying heavy amounts of Comet. Lose that mentality and overhaul for good! The timing might be perfect (see no. 4).
2. A Step Into the Tub is a Step Back in Time
Does your bathtub exist in a different era? Does the step into the shower feel like a step back in time? This is a sure shot sign that a remodel project is overdue. Step into the 21st century!
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3. Someone Has an Injury, Condition, or Recent Surgery
An injury, surgery, or long-term condition involving the hip or any part of the leg can create obstacles around the house. None more pronounced than in the bathroom using the toilet and bathtub. Combining that step over into the tub with an oftentimes slippery surface can be daunting. It might be time to add handle bars to your bathtub or a surface with more traction to step on. Or maybe it’s time to gut your bathtub entirely in favor of a shower, by way of a tub to shower conversion.
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4. The Timing is Right
Contractors are both available and relatively affordable these days. The price of materials has dropped as well. There’s no telling whether it will be better or worse in a year or 18 months, but what is certain is that now is a great time to get moving on a bathtub idea you’ve been tossing around.
5. The Times They Are A-Changing.
Do you find yourself with less people in your house these days? Or more? Remodeling can be popular for parents whose children are now out of the house. If the kids are no longer around to create a loveable mess on a daily basis, this could be your chance to revamp the bathtub as part of a larger bathroom facelift.
There are always reasons to get your tub remodeled, and excuses not to. Sometimes too many excuses can lead to any number of the signs above. In any case, these 5 signs should be red flags that a bathtub remodel needs to happen and needs to happen now.
Photo Credit: Old bathtub at zoomars, Flickr @AngryJulieMonday